NFT Games is a new trend of games that use blockchain technology which allow players to earn NFTs and cryptocurrencies just by playing the game. Games like DotA 2, Fortnite, and League of Legends showed us that you can make tens of billions of dollars from a free to play game. But if you look at gaming from a player’s perspective, what can be better than a free-to-play game? Well, a game that pays you to play, which is essentially the new model of play-to-earn games.
This is made possible because NFTs allow you to sell game items such as in-game currencies, skins, exp boosters, basically digital assets from the game on a secondary market.
Case Study: Blankos Block Party

Blankos Block Party is a free-to-play game that is being developed by Mythical Games. Blankos are like digital funko pops that players can use as their characters in the game or sell in the marketplace for a profit. Players have the ability to create maps with different game modes, that can then be used by other players to play in.
For the NFT aspect of it, you have to go to the Blankos’ web store and marketplace. Even without playing the game, you can participate in the marketplace which opens a market beyond just the players. Every blanko that you buy is an NFT which means you own it, and is a digital asset that you can sell in blockchain marketplaces.
The Shop
This is where you can buy your blankos, and every blanko is sold for a limited amount of time before they’re gone in the web shop forever. Some blanko even has a limited supply which gives it an element of scarcity. Every blanko has an issue number and it comes as “boxed”, and once a blanko has been “unboxed”, the player has to choose a skill tree which can then be leveled up for more perks giving the blanko higher value in the marketplace. Once a blanko has been unboxed it can never be boxed again.

The Marketplace
The marketplace is where you can buy and sell your blankos and other accessories, and is open to players and non-players alike. It shows the name of the blankos, the blankos’ issue number and which season it was released.

Play-To-Earn Mechanic
Blankos Block Party recently launched the “Party Pass”, a seasonal pass that rewards players with in-game assets for playing, it gives exp, moola (blankos’ in-game currency), and yes, a unique blanko. For last month’s party pass, players who grinded and played everyday were rewarded Sgt. Poppy, the first blanko to ever be given to players for free. (Other than the base blanko.)

There are less than 1,000 Sgt. Poppy that was issued and one Sgt. Poppy was sold for a thousand USD, which gives us an idea of the potential prices of these limited time, early access blankos in the long run when there are millions of players and there is scarcity of these early edition blankos.
NFT Games with Play-To-Earn Mechanics
- Axie Infinity – Axie Infinity is a game inspired by pokemon. In the fictional world of Lunacia, there are creatures called Axies. You can collect them, trade them, breed them, and ultimately put them up in 3v3 battles against other players. We have dedicated an entire article on Axie Infinity which has been massively successful over the past few months, it put NFT games with play-to-earn mechanics on the map. You can read about it here.

- Zed Run – is a digital horse racing game in the blockchain. Players may race or breed their horses. All the horses in the game are NFTs and possess unique DNAs which determines their racing capabilities, bloodline and rarity. Race horses can be bought and sold in NFT racing game wherein you can breed or race your horses.

- Splinterlands – is a digital card collectible game. You build a deck of fighters that has a variety of stats and abilities, then compete in a PvP match against other players. It has a ranking ladder that you climb the more you win; and the higher you are in the ladder, you gain better rewards and access to better cards. Every card is an NFT which means that the players have true ownership of their digital assets within the game. Players may buy or sell the cards that they earn in the game.

- TownStar – is a farming simulator made by the team behind FarmVille. It has a 6-day cycle then the world map resets, and everyone has to start from scratch. You have to build your farm, hire workers, and sell crops in order to become the richest farmer in the world. At the end of each cycle, top players who were able to earn the highest yield will receive GALA tokens, NFTs, among other rewards. (GALA is a publicly traded cryptocurrency and can be sold in crypto platforms such as Binance.)

- Lost Relics – is an RPG game where you raid dungeons, go on quests, and collect loot. There are two types of loot: virtual and blockchain items. Virtual items are in-game assets that are limited within the game, while blockchain items are NFTs that can be used within the game or bought and sold in the marketplace in exchange for real life money.

- League of Kingdoms – is a browser MMO Strategy Game. You build a kingdom, harvest resources, train troops, form alliances, and battle other players. It is built within the blockchain and every plot of land in the game are real-estate NFTs that live within the Ethereum blockchain. Players can build, trade, and earn rewards through the lands in the game and exchange the digital assets for real life money.

NFTs are still at its infancy stage, and more so are NFT Games. Saying that we are very early into the world of NFTs is an understatement. We don’t want to offer financial advice, but please: invest only what you can afford to lose. Investing in all of these NFTs and NFT games, no matter how promising they may seem, given the history of crypto, have risk involved.
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