Software Delivery Team

What is agile consulting at an organization?

Back with an article from a consulting standpoint about agile consulting! I’ve spoken about software delivery concepts such as Dora metrics, WIP Limits, reducing cycle time and more. However, I’ve spoken mostly non scenario based. Today, I’ll speak about how an agile consultant might help you in your journey when you’re a new CTO or perhaps scaling your organization. I’m not talking about someone trying to sell you bullshit frameworks for days with their team of 20. I’m talking about customer value and how to deliver that. I’ll go over a few scenarios and if you have any questions you

Cycle Time Reduction - PC

How to reduce cycle time in software delivery

Back with another article! I’m going to discuss effective ways in reducing cycle time via work in progress limits and other methods for kanban / lean software delivery. These concepts can apply to scrumban as well. Make sure you familiarize yourself with DORA metrics as well as I give a high level overview. What is cycle time? In a software delivery context, cycle time is the period it takes from the moment a team begins work on a new feature, enhancement, or bug fix, until it’s delivered to production. Aka done done. Not dev done. This includes all the stages

Scrum Meetings

What are scrum meetings or ceremonies?

Switching gears for a bit, I will talk about scrum and its meetings. I normally talk about lean software delivery and have even spoken about scrumban (a hybrid approach). However, today I’ll specifically talk about a lot of peoples introduction to agile software delivery and scrum + its meetings. This article presumes you know a bit about scrum and need a refresher about its ceremonies or meetings. What are the scrum meetings or ceremonies? In a pure scrum standpoint, scrum ceremony is the official term. However, people do use scrum meeting or scrum meetings to also identify these. Who attends