Cycle time formula

Cycle time formula in software delivery

It’s been a bit busy but I’m back with a requested article. How to calculate cycle time via a formula. This will be a quick article as calculating cycle time is really quick. For more in depth information, make sure you check out my article on DORA metrics and WIP limits. With that said, let’s define cycle time and go from there. What is cycle time? Cycle time in software delivery is a key metric used to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of a development process. It’s the amount of time from when work begins on a piece of software


Cycle time definition in software delivery

Back with a quick article today. I’m here to discuss the cycle time definition from a software delivery standpoint. Not to be confused with the lean approach from automotive industry. However, I will talk about it from a software delivery standpoint. For a really in depth guide and how to roll this out organizationally potentially, check out DORA metrics which can go hand in hand with a potential agile solution for your enterprise. It’s important to not get lost into frameworks and process. Make sure the customer feedback loops are short, high value is being driven and internal team members

Cycle Time Reduction - PC

How to reduce cycle time in software delivery

Back with another article! I’m going to discuss effective ways in reducing cycle time via work in progress limits and other methods for kanban / lean software delivery. These concepts can apply to scrumban as well. Make sure you familiarize yourself with DORA metrics as well as I give a high level overview. What is cycle time? In a software delivery context, cycle time is the period it takes from the moment a team begins work on a new feature, enhancement, or bug fix, until it’s delivered to production. Aka done done. Not dev done. This includes all the stages