Latest articles about Blockchain Gaming, esports and Agile Project Management.


Esports project management – Planning & Tournament Organization

This will more than likely be a long series where I deep dive into project management in esports. You can check out my background and credentials in esports if you’re wondering who I am or why I’m writing about this. I will focus my discussions overall as a tournament organizer and some best project management practices I’ve picked up along the way in esports. This first part will be tailored to a new project manager or tournament organizer looking to enter the space. This list isn’t exhaustive but will start as a good entry point. Step 1 – Planning Ahh

Opportunities in esports

Getting involved in esports (Part 2) – Types of esports jobs

Finding a job in esports is always difficult. You need to write a resume, prep for an interview, interview some more until you get that job! Previously, I wrote a Part 1 about getting involved in esports and discussed general involvement and more specifically about project management in esports. I also discussed if having a degree in esports helps get you a job in esports. Part 2 will be about some types of esports jobs. There are quite a few so I’ll try to name at least 20 here. By no means is this list exhaustive and i’ll probably do

Does having a degree in esports help my career in esports?

As the esports industry matures, so do the amount of people involved in the space. Recently, we’ve seen Universities offering programs in esports and looking to get attention of a hot new space. Some examples have been Durham College, UC Irvine and Staffordshire University in London. Staffordshire has gotten some bad press recently with their latest tweet claiming that “Soon, working in esports will require a university degree”. While I disagree with that statement and it’s wording, I’m not going to discount an individuals application solely off a degree. In esports, relevant experience is probably the number on driving factor