Software Delivery Team

Implement Kanban as high as you can organizationally

Welcome back! Here with another article today and to discuss some of the problems with isolated team level kanban and why you should aim to go as high as possible in the organization. I’ll discuss some of my experiences and go into the downsides of isolated team level kanban vs the organization level. This article isn’t here to downplay the impacts of Kanban and lean principles but show some of the downsides when you’re alone without support. For full context, I think Kanban and Lean are great and have shaped a lot of the background of what I do today.

Story point estimation computer

Story point estimation doesn’t matter on the wrong things

Back with a somewhat controversial topic. I find estimation for the sake of estimation a waste of time as teams generally focus on the wrong items in the backlog and agonize over the stuff that really doesn’t matter. What really matters is that top 15% which is truly important for the organization and your customers. That’s what you should focus on and leave the rest to discussions. Really, Why don’t you think story points matter? It’s not that I think they don’t matter, I think they’re an inefficient use of time for most teams. Here’s more to it: My team

Software delivery team estimating

Forecasting, confidence and estimation in lean software delivery

Back with another article on lean software delivery. This time, I’ll be discussing forecasting, confidence and estimation at a high level. I’ll write another article further in depth on how to estimate and what tools to use. Make sure you check out my DORA metrics article and MTTR discussion to get an idea what I’ve been discussing for software delivery. What are percentiles in software delivery? A percentile is a measure used in statistics indicating the value below which a given percentage of observations in a group of observations falls. For example, the 20th percentile is the value (or score)