Latest articles about Blockchain Gaming, esports and Agile Project Management.

How important is networking in esports for a job?

It’s estimated that a large portion of jobs are unadvertised and in esports I’d say the number is even higher than regular industries. Off the top of my head, I can count on one hand where I’ve posted an actual job in esports for over several dozen events with BEAT esports. All the people I found / were looking for came via word of mouth or on a reputation basis. This includes graphics design, administrators, talent, broradcasting, production, backend developers and more. The vice versa is also true, even though I was not actively looking, I have been approached for


Esports project management – Planning & Tournament Organization

This will more than likely be a long series where I deep dive into project management in esports. You can check out my background and credentials in esports if you’re wondering who I am or why I’m writing about this. I will focus my discussions overall as a tournament organizer and some best project management practices I’ve picked up along the way in esports. This first part will be tailored to a new project manager or tournament organizer looking to enter the space. This list isn’t exhaustive but will start as a good entry point. Step 1 – Planning Ahh

Opportunities in esports

Getting involved in esports (Part 2) – Types of esports jobs

Finding a job in esports is always difficult. You need to write a resume, prep for an interview, interview some more until you get that job! Previously, I wrote a Part 1 about getting involved in esports and discussed general involvement and more specifically about project management in esports. I also discussed if having a degree in esports helps get you a job in esports. Part 2 will be about some types of esports jobs. There are quite a few so I’ll try to name at least 20 here. By no means is this list exhaustive and i’ll probably do